
As public bodies, schools must comply with the public sector equality duty. We follow the advice set out by the Government which can be accessed here.

This states that

schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils because of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

As a school, we have developed an Equalities Scheme which sets out our objectives and explains how we comply with the law by: eliminating unlawful discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity between those who have protected characteristics and those who do not and by fostering good relations.

We have identified the following four priority areas which we feel will make a significant difference to our school community and ensure real, tangible outcomes:

  • Objective 1: To continue to embed an awareness and understanding of equalities.
  • Objective 2: To embed an awareness, understanding and acceptance of the needs of others, especially those with protected characteristics and whose disability is invisible.
  • Objective 3: To continue to promote a tolerant and inclusive school community where all feel safe and valued.
  • Objective 4: To ensure all pupils have a greater understanding of diversity and have the cultural capital to be global citizens
  • Objective 5: All pupils and staff feel valued and represented

Our full equality scheme and our latest review of our equality duties can be found below.

Equalities in the Curriculum

We have worked hard to ensure that our curriculum represents the rich cultural diversity which can be found across Britain and the World.

We teach our children about equality and equity and through our wellbeing curriculum, our wider curriculum, collective worship, enrichment events and activities we ensure that children respect others and learn about the protected characteristics.

Equality Scheme (2024-2027)Latest Review of Our Equality Duties (2021-2024)