Light Oak School 204



Any parent who is worried about a child or young person can contact school.

or ring

0161 603 4500or email

If the child is in immediate danger or they are home alone phone the police on 999


Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is everybody's business.  We follow the DfE and Local Authority guidelines which can be found by on the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership website.  Our most up to date policy can be found on our policies page and is attached to the bottom of this webpage.

Designated Staff

There are three Designated Child Protection Persons (DCPs), who work closely together as the Safeguarding Team. These are:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Zandra Wilkinson (Headteacher)
  • Deputy DSL: Claire Walker (Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead)
  • Trained DSLs: Nick Ryan (Assistant Head) and Julie Holmes (Senco)

Key Contacts in School

Headteacher & Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs Z Wilkinson

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mrs C Walker and Mrs J Hughes

Operation Encompass Named Person: Mrs Z Wilkinson

Prevent Lead: Mrs Z Wilkinson

Designated Looked After Children Lead: Mrs C Walker

Named Governor for Safeguarding & Looked After Children: Mrs C Richardson

Please Note: All Key contacts can be contacted via the school by letter, email or phone:

Light Oaks Junior School

Lancaster Road,

Salford M6 8LU

Tel: 0161 921 1690


Safeguarding Overview


Light Oaks Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all members of its community to share this commitment. The prime concern at all times must be the interests and safety of the pupil(s).

All staff (including ancillary, supply staff and volunteers) are aware of our Policy and we hold regular training to remind staff of the procedures to follow. Important safeguarding policies are available on the school website.

We follow the procedures and protocols suggested by the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership.

There are three Designated Child Protection Persons (DCPs), who work closely together as the Safeguarding Team. These are:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Zandra Wilkinson (Headteacher)
  • Deputy DSL: Claire Walker (Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead)
  • Trained DSLs: Nick Ryan (Assistant Head) and Julie Holmes (Senco)


The school follows the safer recruitment procedures recommended by Salford LA. Key staff and Governors who are involved in recruitment have all completed the Safer Recruitment Training Course. All relevant checks are completed before employment can be confirmed and these are monitored by the Human Resources Department.

All staff receive safeguarding training every 18 months, through the Salford Safeguarding Children Parnership and new staff are booked onto the next available course after they have been employed.

On induction, all members of staff are given training on school Safeguarding procedures and expectations.

School Procedures:

Anyone worried about a young person’s welfare, is required to record their concerns as soon as possible the same day. Staff know that even relatively minor concerns could indicate problems, and therefore we expect information to be passed to a DSL promptly in order for them to add to the ‘bigger picture’. All notes from home are also kept on file.

Any concerns identified by staff, or information given to us, are logged using the online safeguarding reporting software (CPOMS). These can be:

  • Staff observation
  • Information provided by parents/carers (please note - we log any information given but we do not judge the veracity of any information given as this is beyond our remit) 
  • Information provided by children
  • Information provided by outside agencies

The DSLs discuss safeguarding issues on a regular basis; all safeguarding concerns are discussed together as and when necessary. This ensures continuity and clarity. All DSLs are alerted to any CPOMs entry by email.

If further action is deemed necessary, this is followed up as soon as is practicable. For example:

  • Further investigation as appropriate by the DSL, class teacher or member of SLT
  • Contact with the parent by the DSL, class teacher or member of SLT to inform or clarify information received
  • Monitoring by a named member of staff
  • Advice sought from an outside agency by the DSL
  • Referral to safeguarding Team (after advice has been sought as to appropriateness) ONLY by the DSL. This should follow consultation between two DSLs if possible


If a child discloses information of a serious nature, staff will follow school policy and ensure that a DSL is notified as soon as possible. All staff follow the guidance outlined in the safeguarding policy when listening to children, and will request the support of a DSL or named appropriate adult when serious allegations have been made.

Working Together to Safeguard Children

We work closely with our Local Authority safeguarding partners, including social workers, the virtual school, police and voluntary organisations to ensure children and families remain safe.  As the organisation best placed to have good relationships with children, we are often asked to provide information to safeguarding partners or seek the wishes and feelings of pupils.  Permission will normally be requested from parents - either by ourselves or by safeguarding partners, but in certain cases, this may not be appropriate, or time constraints may make this impossible.  We have named appropriate adults to seek the views of children, or to accompany them if other professionals need to speak to them when parents are either unavailable or unable to attend. More information can be found in our safeguarding policy.  Whatever the circumstances, we will always treat our pupils, parents and families with compassion, empathy and sensitivity.

Safeguarding Team

The school has adopted a team approach to the vast majority of school practice. This is to provide support, share workload and enable internal validation of procedures and practices.  

The DSLs meet weekly to discuss safeguarding issues, support each other, give supervision and ensure the system is working correctly. Workload is shared and decided on a case by case basis, although any child protection investigation is dealt with by two members of staff where possible to ensure robustness.

Operation Encompass

The school is part of the Operation Encompass project, which has been developed to underpin good communication between the police and schools when incidents of domestic violence have been reported.

Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school but which might have an impact on a child attending school the following day. This information will be shared on school days during the school term. When incidents occur on a Friday, Saturday or a Sunday, the police will contact the relevant school the following Monday.

A nominated member of school staff, known as a Key Adult, is trained to liaise with the police. At Light Oaks Junior School this is Zandra Wilkinson (Headteacher & DSL). She will be able to use information that has been shared with her, in confidence, to ensure that the school is able to support children and their families. Information will be shared where it is identified that a child or young person was present, witnessed or was involved in a domestic abuse incident.

Click here to go to the Operation Encompass WebsiteClick here for our Operation Encompass policy

Whistleblowing and Concerns Relating to Staff

We take safeguarding very seriously and all staff are vigilant.  We know that the safety of our children is paramount and staff know when to report any concerns - including those that may be categorised as 'low level'.

If concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of any adult who works in our school (which could suggest that s/he is a danger to children) then a report must be made to the Headteacher in confidence. Allegations against the Headteacher should be made to the Chair of Governors, or directly to the LADO (see below).  

Staff can also contact the Chair of Governors if they feel that this is more appropriate about any safeguarding or whistleblowing issue, or can ask for advice from - or report to - the Local Area Designated Officer/s (LADO) tel: 0161 603 4350 / 4445

Radicalisation and the Prevent Duty

The Prevent duty requires all education providers ‘to help prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism’. This includes safeguarding learners from extremist ideologies and radicalisation.  At Light Oaks Junior School, we promote the Fundamental British Values and the school values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility within lessons and across the wider school. 

We work hard to ensure that everyone is welcome and that extremist views are challenged. We ensure our children know how to stay safe  throughout our Wellbeing curriculum and our computing curriculum which cover online hate, radicalisation, grooming, relationships and peer pressure.

We supplement and reinforce this teaching through:

  • collective worship and assemblies
  • enrichment weeks such as refugee week, equality week and Safer Internet Week
  • Our work on the UNICEF Rights of the child
  • Regular information for parents

We have a full prevent risk assessment in place and all staff have been trained on the Prevent Duty.

This year, we are working towards becoming a school of sanctuary to support our diversity and equalities objectives.  


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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy September 2024 01st Sep 2024 Download